Pruning Services
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Pruning Services

March 7, 2015
Congratulations for visiting this page! Reading these words mean you value pruning and realize its importance.

Proper pruning is critical to establishing healthy plants.  In addition, trees and shrubs look better when they are on a schedule of proper pruning. Establishing a leader for a tree, managing shape and form of a shrub, and keeping disease at bay, are all benefits of proper pruning.

A landscape which is not on a regular pruning schedule is a landscape that shows itself to be tired, shaggy, and dated.  It is not unlike somebody needing a haircut, or realizing your dog needs a haircut on a regular basis.

The time to prune depends on the variety of shrub you own. Evergreens, flowering shrubs, broad-leaf evergreens, all have different schedules in which to be pruned.  Our experience can be your asset.

Proper pruning is a learned skill, but in addition there is an art to pruning.  The two go together and work together, and the one doing the pruning should posses both attributes.  We do.

Call us and bring our knowledge of pruning to your outdoor space. Hiring Black Creek Landscaping can help protect your investment.

Remember, you can not put a “just cut” branch…back on the tree.


